Commercial Roof Drain Cleaning Services
Every year in the United States commercial building are extensively damaged or destroyed by the affects of rooftop ponding water. One large ponding area on a roof can easily weigh more than an F-250 pickup.
Roof Drain Cleaning
Many times property owners will experience a leak and understandably think it is the roof and call a roofing contractor… and many times get a proposal for a new roof.
Many times the problem may not be from the roof itself, but from clogged roof drains. After storms and over the years, a building’s roof drain can become clogged with debris causing the water to overflow and leak into the building. If the drain becomes plugged, it may cause water to back up and flow over the drain flashing and into the building itself. From there it may leak down the walls or into ceilings. Regular maintenance of the roof drains is necessary to prevent a leaky roof.